What plays an important role for a man? Erectile function and dimension of its dignity. It is not difficult to normalize the work of the first hour: taking medication can solve the problem in the shortest possible time, but what if a man is dissatisfied with the size of his penis?
These deficiencies are believed to be corrected only surgically, but this is not the case. There are several methods to add the desired centimeters, one of them is the penis enlargement exercises. Let's consider the most common techniques in more detail.
Manual action
Massage is a long and effective method. Proper implementation of the technique guarantees an increase in the size of the penis by 2-3 cm, and the procedure itself does not require great expense and effort: for manual therapy, a man will need his hands, a cream or gel for lubrication, a convenient place and a certain amount of time.
Manual therapy contributes to the increase in size due to additional blood flow and improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, in addition, massage helps to improve erectile function and increase sexual desire. To achieve the desired results, therapy must be performed regularly, at least once a day, using the following techniques:
- Squeeze your head firmly, pull it hard forward for about 5 minutes, then relax and massage your penis with light movements to improve blood circulation for five minutes. Repeat the procedure by lengthening the penis and firmly squeezing the base of the glans in all directions, alternating tension with a relaxing massage in an interval of 5/5 minutes. It is important to understand that this procedure should not cause pain or discomfort.
- Grab the shaft of the penis with your fingers, squeeze it firmly and begin to stretch it forward, listening to your sensations: the procedure should be accompanied by a feeling of strong tension, but not pain. Take a break and continue your workout, alternating between stretching and relaxing up to 10 times.
- The duration of the next exercise is 5 minutes, the massage begins with the use of lubricant and movements from the base to the head, while the grip at the base should be much stronger than at the head. Then pull the penis down, keeping it in this position for 3-5 seconds, repeat the movements, directing the penis in different directions. At the end of the massage, firmly squeeze the base of the trunk and direct the trapped blood towards the head.
- Squeeze the penis into a ring from the thumb and forefinger and start moving the trunk, having previously lubricated the penis with cream or lubricant, while the degree of compression when moving from the base to the head should be greater. This massage will increase blood flow and the periodic stop at the base will ensure its retention in the penis.
- The next method involves lengthening the penis in a state of erection. Bring the penis into an erect state and stretch it at the base of the head for 6-7 minutes. The intensity of the impact should be limited to a feeling of strong tension, but not pain.

Method of Aaron Kemmer
This method contains several programs to enlarge the male genital organ, the most common of which is jelqing. This exercise to enlarge the penis allows not only to improve blood circulation in the penis, but also to prevent the occurrence of stagnation.
The main purpose of jelqing is to pump blood into the penis. Due to the pressure during the procedure, microtrauma can occur, you should not be afraid, they heal quite quickly and form new ones in the place of damaged tissues. Therefore, the essence of this procedure is to enlarge the penis due to the processes of regeneration of areas of damaged tissues. This method can be compared to training in the gym: muscle fibers damaged during sports are compensated by the formation of new ones during rest.
Exercise begins and ends with a warm-up to minimize penile injury. Before jelqing you need:
- Take a warm shower or bath.
- Make a warm compress using a cloth soaked in warm water.
- Put your penis in a container of warm water.
After the penis has warmed up and becomes soft and swollen, the main phase of training begins, during which the following sequence of actions is performed:
- Bring your cock into a state of erection. In this case, the degree of arousal should be 50-70%. The more stress the risk of micro-trauma will increase, the less stress will not lead to a result.
- Grasp the base of the penis by grasping it with your thumb and index ring.
- For 3-4 seconds, slide the compressed ring towards the head of the penis.
- Once you reach the head, grab the base with your other hand while loosening the ring around the head.
- Do the same with the other hand.
To get the desired results, you need to follow the following rules when jelqing:
- The movement of the arms must be symmetrical and accompanied by the same degree of pressure, otherwise training can lead to the development of penile asymmetry and its curvature.
- The pressure should be the same at both the base and the head.
- The duration of a movement must be at least 3 seconds.
- Pay close attention to the degree of arousal in the penis.

During jelqing, you need to listen carefully to your body: the appearance of blackheads, bruises, lack of erection in the morning - indicates that you need to give up training during recovery.
The degree of excitation directly affects the result of the technique:
- Up to 50%: using the exercise does not bring the desired results.
- 50 to 60% - there is an increase in the length of the penis.
- 60 to 70% - increase in diameter.
Table 1. Approximate jelq training plan
Time period | Nature of the exercise |
1 month | Avoid heavy loads and pressure until the penis has adapted to the manipulation, it is best to train every other day checking the correct technique. The number of jelqings must not exceed 100 times |
2-5 months | The previous month made the penis less sensitive to the effects, so you can gradually increase the intensity of your workout, paying close attention to technique and symptoms of overexertion. Gradually increase the amount of jelqing up to 200 times while maintaining a two-day-after-one workout routine |
6 months | The member is already fully adapted to the loads and can withstand more than 200 approaches per day. The training frequency is set individually and can be 3 training days after a rest day. Increase the movement time of one arm to 5 seconds and the compression ratio, adjusting the technique according to the results obtained |
A gradual increase in training time will allow you to achieve visible results in a few months, while the first changes will be noticed in a month. It is not necessary to overstretch the penis and practice every day, discomfort and pain will not lead to the appearance of extra centimeters.
Kegel exercises
Another effective penis enlargement exercise technique is the Kegel technique, which has the following benefits:
- Increased man's stamina and duration of intercourse.
- Increases the stiffness of the penis.
- The pumped genital organ allows both partners to experience new sensations.
- The likelihood of contracting prostate adenoma is reduced.
- The likelihood of diseases associated with incontinence and urinary incontinence is reduced.
The technique consists of pumping the pubococcygeus muscle, it is quite easy to find it:
- During urination, place your index finger between the testicles and the anus, hold the flow. The area under the finger that is in tension is the PC muscle.
- During an erection, try to lift the penis, the taut muscle and it will be pubococcygeus.
So, the Kegel exercises include the following steps:
- A man learns to adequately strain and relax a muscle. To do this, squeeze it and hold it under tension for at least 3 seconds, then the relaxation phase begins, which should not exceed 3 seconds. Start with 20-30 approaches per day, increasing their number to 50 by the end of the week, training daily, in any convenient place.
- A man exercises pubococcygeal muscle tension in isolation from other muscles. Learn to stretch a single muscle, without using the abdominal or facial muscles, increase the number of approaches to 70 per day. The duration of the exercise is set individually, based on the capabilities of the man.
- Increase stress time and shorten rest time. At this stage of the exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscle for at least 10 seconds, while resting for no more than 4 seconds. The number of such approaches gradually increases to 100, and the duration of the phase reaches four weeks.
This technique involves an increase in the penis by improving blood circulation, in addition, the exercises will significantly improve the quality of sex and allow a man to avoid the appearance of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
It is recommended to combine Kegel gymnastics and massage exercises.
Other types of exercise
Increasing the size of the penis and obtaining incomparable pleasure during intercourse will allow the execution of Taoist exercises, which consist of breathing exercises and massage of the genitals, and involve the following actions:
- Breathe in air through your nose, tighten your muscles and redirect it to your stomach, then imagine it moving in your penis.
- With three fingers of your left hand, press the penis into the area between the anus and testicles.
- Without letting go of the penis, start working it with forward movements of the other hand.
- Next, massage your head in a circular motion with your thumb. This way you will get an erection.
- Grasp the penis in a ring tightened by the thumb and index finger at the base, start moving forward as you try to extend the shaft of the penis.
- Without releasing the grip at the base, rotate the element clockwise 36 times.
- At the end of the procedure, immerse the penis in warm water for 1-2 minutes.

Another way to increase the elasticity of the penis tunic, and therefore its size, are the tantric exercises, which are as follows:
- Generously lubricate your penis with cream or oil and put yourself in a comfortable position.
- Grab the penis with the ring of your thumb and forefinger, start moving from base to head, trying to stretch the penis as far as possible, then back, loosening the ring slightly.
- Increase the intensity of your movements until you reach 100% erection.
- Increase the compression near the base of the penis, this will allow the blood to stay inside it for longer.
- Without releasing the grip at the base, squeeze the head with the other hand, stretching the penis in different directions and holding it in this position for 10 seconds.
- After completing the manipulations, make a light relaxing massage.
A man who wants to increase the size of his dignity must know that none of the methods described above give immediate results. To increase the effectiveness of the exercises, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the established rules, remembering that penis enlargement should not be accompanied by pain syndrome.