Every man from time to time, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to enlarge the penis. Movies, glossy magazines, sexy commercials, and last but not least, porn movies and videos are pushing him to that.
To which a reputable British doctor said that, if it were that simple, all the advertised enlargement methods really worked, as the rumors and advertisements prescribe, then we would all walk with penises no less than a foot.
And those most concerned about the penis enlargement issue would not stop there, reaching the size of male dignity to the size of a thoroughbred stallion.
However, whatever one may say, but we happened to be living in an age where the latest methods of penis enlargement without surgery by surgeons are being pushed around almost constantly, in completely different places.
And it seems to us that this fact plays an important role in the emergence of obsessions in the minds of the male population about raising their faithful friend in pants.
For some reason, many men have the opinion that happiness and satisfaction depend on the number of divisions on the ruler scale. After risking their health, after undergoing surgery on one of their most vulnerable organs, they begin to understand that the reference points were initially not quite correct.
Our article will give answers to all the questions that interest you, how much it is possible to enlarge the penis and how to avoid surgery, but achieve the desired result.
Thinking about how to enlarge the penis without surgery
The first thing to start with is to understand if you really need it, penis enlargement at home without surgery.
Scientific statistics are objective and impartial. According to her, the average penis size in a normal man is about 10-15 centimeters long.
Numerous surveys of women of different ages and temperaments show that these figures are quite sufficient for achieving a full orgasm.
This is due to the anatomical structure of the female genital area. The depth of a woman's vagina usually ranges from 8 to 14 centimeters.
As you can see, our average sexual organ for this mink will be at the right time. However, common sense doesn't always accompany our real needs and desires.
Among sex therapists and urologists, there is an opinion that psychologists rather than surgeons should care for many of their patients with micropenis problems. Because, according to them, they have an inadequate evaluation of their body and its capabilities.
It is quite possible that instead of dreaming of a giant penis, you need to focus on increasing and improving potency.
You need to take drugs and pills to improve potency, exercise, massage, a healthy lifestyle.
If we still haven't convinced you, then summing up the first part of our article, let's say you can enlarge your penis at home. Next, we will consider a variety of ways to enlarge your penis at home without surgery.
Pump for men - enlarge the penis with vacuum

Vacuum pump (later we will consider penis enlargement with a vacuum pump). In general terms, it goes like this: we put the penis in a transparent hollow cylinder attached to a pump (this is the name of a special pump for pumping something, manual or electric).
In addition, a negative pressure (vacuum) is created in the cylinder. The vacuum causes a rush of blood to the vessels of the penis, the penis swells and greatly increases in size.
At this time, the penis not only increases, but a persistent erection also occurs. To retain blood in the vessels of the penis, it is fixed with a specially made ring which is part of the pump for men. After the ring is safely removed, the permeability of the vessels is restored and the penis returns to its normal state.
This method has rather serious contraindications for inappropriate handling of the device:
- The formation of subcutaneous hematomas and bruises is possible,
- All types of injuries: abrasions, scratches, tears,
- If too low pressure is abused and for a long time, impaired sexual circulation can occur, leading to temporary impotence, tissue and skin necrosis.
It is much safer and healthier to include exercise in your daily routine.
Effective exercises for penis enlargement
In the East, a technique called "jelqing" has long been known (read more here, jelqing - the 3 most famous techniques) - stretching the organ with specific movements.
If we consider the technique as an alternative to surgery, it is an excellent method with minimal cost. It is best to supplement with special gels that help improve the process.
A method for the stubborn and disciplined, to be practiced every day for at least thirty minutes.
It is not suitable for jelqing, it does not matter. A special device will come to the rescue - an extender. Its use is rooted in antiquity. But modern Aborigines do not shy away from this method.

But we are not savages. Modern penis enlargement extenders are a high-tech device. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to wear it for a long time (8-10 hours a day).
Careless handling is also fraught with serious consequences: vascular disorders, bruises, hematomas, ruptures, cracks.
So I would like to wish - as you raise your head, don't lose your mind, gentlemen!
Pills and other means to help enlarge the penis.
As a rule, penis enlargement pills are made on the basis of natural ingredients and all kinds of herbs. They improve potency, cause an increase in blood flow in the genitals, which contributes to an excellent erection.
The penis in a state of maximum erection is significantly enlarged and makes a good impression on the partner during lovemaking.
Various enlargement creams have become widely known relatively recently, but the results of their use are encouraging.
So, consider what are the benefits of penis enlargement creams.
How Can You Really Increase Your Penis With Creams?
They became available to a large audience quite recently, today these funds are the most popular and in demand among people, because they are very easy to use, exclude surgical operations and increase the size of the penis in a safe way for health.
The benefits of penis enlargement creams are obvious:
- The tool is inexpensive - one pack of cream is enough for the whole course. At the same time, there is a bonus: regular use increases the duration of the love affair several times!
- Potency increases and its quality improves, this fact may already be enough to significantly increase the quality of a man's sex life. Most often, problems with potency are subconsciously attributed to the small dimensions of male dignity, but this is not the case.
- The enjoyment of the love game and the quality of orgasm grows very strongly, due to an increase in the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the genital organ.
- The enlargement cream also performs hygienic functions: it nourishes, moisturizes and relieves inflammation of the skin tissues on the penis, associated with the regular use of condoms, which restrict the access of air to the skin of the penis.
- The enlargement creams are generally hypoallergenic, maintain an optimal pH level for the skin, are absorbed quickly and do not stain clothing.
- They contain only natural ingredients with a pleasant smell of natural plants, which stimulate the growth and division of cells in men, as well as an increase in the area of the cavernous bodies, which directly affect the size of the erect penis.
Who is indicated for the use of the cream to increase
All men with the following indications:
- Penis enlargement in a harmless form for health,
- Improve potency, improve erection and their quality,
- By increasing the duration of the relationship several times,
- Reduced sensitivity of nerve endings, orgasm is poorly achieved,
- Injuries and tears of the foreskin.
There are practically no contraindications to the regular use of the cream to increase the size of the penis. In isolated cases, cases of allergic manifestations in the form of mild itching or redness of the penis have been recorded. This is due to individual intolerance to natural ingredients.
How to apply the magnifying cream
On a clean, well-washed and dry surface of the skin of the genital organs, apply a thin layer of some gel to increase.
Grind well and massage with light movements for a few minutes.
Please note that the course you have started must not be interrupted. The enlargement gel massage should be repeated both in the morning and in the evening to obtain the correct concentration of active substances in the body.
What is the principle of the penis enlargement cream based on?
Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, positively affecting potency. Due to the beneficial effect on the nerve endings in the thickness of the penis skin, the penis becomes more sensitive. The size increases with regular use after 3 - 4 months.
What is included in the enlargement gel? Main components:
- white sandalwood;
- Sprouted wheat oil;
- Aloe Vera;
- Ceylon ironwood.
Depending on the manufacturer who produced the drug, its composition may vary in one direction or another. However, the principles of its action on a man's body remain unchanged.
The ways to enlarge the penis, as we can see, are different. But the best, as you can see, is to use a cream or gel to increase. The therapy is carried out at home, at a convenient time, with a minimum of contraindications and the possibility of harming oneself if used incorrectly.