It is difficult to live in puberty: the family world is crumbling, the body is changing before our eyes, psycho-emotional problems are piling up.
Also, in adolescence, for the first time, there is an interest in the size of your genital organ.
From ignorance of true anatomy and excessive attention to staged porn, teens are instantly drawn into complexes of their size.
We will tell you what sexual development should be in terms of medicine and explain how to avoid possible problems.
When does penis growth start?
We turned to pediatricians with this question. They said the first signs of puberty begin at the age of 11. They are recognized by the enlarged testicles. At the age of 12 - 13, there is an increase in the diameter and length of the penis. The phallus becomes the same as in adult men at the age of 16-17.
What affects the development of the organ
The main cruiser in this sea of puberty is hormones. Testosterone plays the first violin. The norm for the age of 11-15 years is 0, 48 - 22. 05 nmol / L, 15-18 years - 3, 61 - 37, 67 nmol / L. In order for all this to be produced in the right amount, you need rest, healthy sleep, plenty of vitamins, minerals and a normal weight. There is no magic until genetics fail.
We will give second place to the aforementioned genetics. However, the sizes are inherited from dads, grandparents, great-grandparents and other "great-great-great". All of this is in our DNA. However, under the influence of unfavorable factors, the genes of the ancestors are relegated to the background. There is a possibility of falling behind the giant dad after suffering from mumps, premature smoking, alcoholism.
We will give third place to the general condition of the body, proper nutrition. The priority is sport, healthy food, good rest and sleep, the daily routine. With such a ligament, the growth of the organ will move correctly and completely naturally.

Because there is no dynamics:
- endocrine disorders are a serious topic that affects the development of the body as a whole. If there are alarm calls (early maturation before the age of 9 or above - after the age of 14), it is necessary to take a hormone test;
- childhood injuries - if a neighbor's boy hits between his legs with a club in the heat of a squabble in the garden, you must immediately run to the doctor;
- poor metabolism - the body does not assimilate the active components and cannot develop as intended by nature;
- nutritional disorders - without amino acids, vitamins and minerals, proteins - fats and carbohydrates, the body will not receive a strong basis for growth;
- previous knowledge of alcohol and tobacco.
Penis growth is believed to be linked to early masturbation, sexual life, sexual orientation. This is a complete illusion. The roots of the deviations lie in heredity, in the hormonal background and in the general condition of the adolescent.
Average organ size
The doctors calculated the arithmetic mean of the diameter and length for each year of development.
These numbers are:
- 13 years - rest 5-7, erection 8, 7-12, 7, girth 9, 9;
- 14 years - rest 6-8, erection 11-15, girth 10, 3;
- 15 years - rest 6-8, erection 11, 3-15, 3, girth 10, 7;
- 16 years - rest 6. 5-9. 5, erection 12. 1-16. 1, circumference 11;
- 17 years - rest 7, 5-10, 5, erection 12, 5-16, 5, girth 11, 5.

Penis enlargement techniques for teenagers
With this question, we turned to andrologists. These men's health experts say that any intervention in a child's sexual development must be coordinated with a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of interrupting psychosexual and physiological development. This is much worse than walking on the ground with an average member.
At 11, 12, 13 years old
At such a young age, several safe techniques work.
Here is the same method that will work with an 11-13 year old. At the first stage of puberty, the body should receive the norm of vitamins of groups B, D, E, C. Pay attention to selenium, zinc. This will provide a good basis for harmonious development.
Other folk methods
We will give as an example several effective methods, but their implementation is not recommended at this age.
The manual jelqing technique aims to increase the length. It works due to the powerful filling of blood, causes the corpora cavernosa to stretch. It is said that boys from all famous Arab countries do it.
Our recommendations in this regard are extremely simple: the technique requires precise control of the erection, only then will it give the desired growth. An 11-13 year old boy cannot do this. We recommend that you postpone jelqing until the age of 18!

The stretcher provides powerful stretching force. The system is fixed on the head and wrapped around the hips with a strap. The pulling force is provided by the belt adjustment. The method only works on a fully formed penis. As in the previous case, it is necessary to wait until the age of majority.
Stretching and massage
Stretching and massage techniques improve blood circulation, provoke the growth of the spongy body, shell. The technique of execution is of fundamental importance in this matter. It is recommended to start this workout after 18 years of age.
At 14, 15, 16, 17 years old
For older kids, other secrets work.
Jelqing with creams or gels
Training gently corrects the size of the genitals, friendship with creams, gels improves dynamics and growth. However, we repeat: all these miracles must be left until the end of normal puberty. If physiology fails, you can take this method into your arsenal.
Doctors: Andrologists have several powerful pieces in their assets.
- pumps: work due to negative pressure, increase blood flow, solve erection problems. Teenagers aged 14-16 don't need it;
- extensors: stretches the corpus cavernosum after wearing it daily for 6-8 hours. At the age we are talking about, this is almost impossible. These practices are available to young people over the age of 18.
Dietary supplements
Recall that food supplements are a biologically active food supplement. Such an activity is not as safe as it seems. In our opinion, it is better to organize food correctly. This will increase blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system and stabilize the endocrine system. The body will properly produce testosterone. Add honey, bee products, herbs, seafood, vegetable oils, nuts to the diet.
Ways for a child and a boy - a schoolboy
We have said that preventive examinations by pediatric andrologists should not be neglected at a young age. After the meeting, the doctor will provide the most relevant recommendations. Go to him for scheduled visits at age 3, age 6-9-12.
Vitamins and proper nutrition
Delay in sexual development occurs against the background of a deficiency or excess body weight. The reason for this is the low / excessive calorie content of food, hunger / overeating, unbalanced nutrition (including lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids). Guys who play sports strenuously and get little food are prone to this. We advise you to check this moment.
Don't become addicted to masturbation. Overactive penis play at a young age often turns into psychological problems in the future.
Hormones - in consultation with a specialist
Here everything is simple: the doctor prescribes to the child what he lacks. Children are prescribed short courses of testosterone, which most often cheerfully trigger puberty. Children with a disease such as secondary hypodynamism are prescribed hormones FSH, hCG.

We advise you not to interfere with a teenager's maturation, established by nature itself (of course, if he is healthy). Regimen, proper diet and physiology will do the trick. If there are alarm bells, you need to go to the doctors (children's andrologist, endocrinologist).