How to enlarge your penis by yourself? Can you really stretch the male organ by yourself at home? The most effective way to enlarge your penis is something that many men try to stumble upon.
Fortunately, there are ways to naturally enlarge the penis that can achieve satisfying results. One such technique is jelqing, which consists of stretching the tissues of the penis by massaging the penis.
What is jelqing?
This simple method of penis enlargement comes from Arab culture, where it was believed that the body could be reformed, but similar beliefs can also be seen in other original cultures or tribes around the world, whose representatives stretch different parts of thebody to make them more attractive.
When we talk about jelqing, we are talking about effective home exercises to enlarge the penis. They require no special tools and are safe when done correctly. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to all useful recommendations in order not to injure yourself with excessive loads and training.
General Jelqing Rules
First of all, regularity is the key to success. Exercise should be done at regular intervals, but on the other hand, you shouldn't overdo it. You can do jelqing several times a week. It is not recommended to do this every day - it is worth resorting to a massage technique for penis enlargement, for example, two or three consecutive days, then take a break so that the tissues can rest and recover. Therefore, it is important to develop the correct jelqing training regimen.

The second rule is fat. A major problem during this type of exercise is self-harm. The most common point in this situation is abrasions: to avoid them, use a lubricant that allows you to do the exercises without fear of such injuries. It is necessary to monitor your feelings, if pain occurs, stop the massage immediately. If abrasions or bruises appear, wait a few days for them to heal before continuing the exercise.
The third rule is an incomplete erection. For exercise to be meaningful, safe and effective, the penis does not have to be fully erect. To stretch the tissue, the penis must be in an intermediate state, at least partially soft. You can stop exercising at any time if you experience a full erection and wait a while for the penis to partially fall out.
Penis enlargement alone
You can enlarge your penis by yourself at home. Classic jelqing techniques involve massaging the penis from the base to the head. The thumb and forefinger should be bent in a circle and, using this circle, squeeze the not fully erect penis so that you feel slight pressure, but not pain (so the pressure should be reduced). Then make a smooth movement of the ring from the fingers to the head. From the outside, the process resembles milking. When you reach the head, the penis is pulled slightly forward, stretching its tissues. After that, the exercise begins to be repeated from the starting position (from the base of the trunk). Thus, the blood supply to the penis is increased and the soft tissues are stretched, which can lead to the long-term effects of penis enlargement and elongation.
An important point is not only the quality of the jelqing technique, but also the lubricating gel used during training. For independent penis enlargement at home, special creams and gels are suitable for tissue growth and increase the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Creams for men for penis enlargement are made on the basis of extracts and extracts of exotic and aphrodisiac plants, which create favorable conditions for the elongation of the male genital organ. There is also a more increased blood flow to the phallus, due to which it more actively increases the volume.
The effect of penis enlargement at home

There are several factors to consider with this penis enlargement technique. For example, individual predispositions. The jelqing method is effective, but you will have to work hard to get the first visible results. However, penile tissue growth can be accelerated by using special penis enlargement gels and creams as a lubricant.
Wet jelqing is a natural and safe method for patients and for those who realize that the effect will not be impressive: an increase is only possible within a few centimeters, certainly not a dozen. At the same time, men who practice penis enlargement massage techniques note that with the help of jelqing they managed to improve the quality of the erection. They also have an increase in sexual stamina in bed, as their control over ejaculation increases.
Another way to enlarge your penis by yourself is to use the Getsize penis enlargement machine. This novelty is for those who want to get a noticeable result within a month. The set includes a roller massager and a stimulating gel. One lesson lasts about 10-15 minutes. This time it is enough to stimulate the tissues of the penis and saturate them with the components of a cream that increases the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies. Therefore, there is a combination of methods of increasing the male organ, which will allow you to achieve good results.